PROVAC - evacuation station

Save valuable production time

Optimizing the vacuum process

The PROVAC evacuation station secures the possibility for optimizing the vacuum process in order to save valuable production time using a microprocessor controlled vacuum controller which ensures an automatic pass/fail indication together with connectivity to PLIS Factory for improved traceability.

The process sequence consists of several process steps and can be individually configured as required. For each step, a vacuum level or time can be programmed and it is also possible to select a pressure rise test to check for rough leaks.

While the evacuation process is running, relevant data is shown on the display for easy process monitoring.


The PRO-VAC product range includes a variety of evacuation solutions for different applications; e.g. evacuation kit for mounting in a conveyor system, kit for integrators or complete Evacuation Station for stationary installation.
SMART functions have been implemented due to maintenance and quality improvement e.g. Sensor diagnostics, TPM and gas ballast valve control.


  • Individually programmable evacuationcycle
  • Evacuation on time and/or pressure
  • Pressure rise test possible
  • Pass/Fail signal
  • Graphical display
  • Compact design
  • Easy to install
  • Easy to program
  • Sensor diagnostic
  • TPM Management
  • PLIS Factory Connection available


The process sequence consists of several process steps and can be individually configured as required.

For each step a vacuum level or time can be programmed.
It is also possible to select a pressure rise test to check for rough leaks. While the evacuation process is running, relevant data is shown on the display.

Improve efficiency & productivity

PLIS Factory is the world most advanced production line information system for the appliance production industry market. With PLIS, you can collect and analyze data from your production and easily optimize your processes for better operational results

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